From Wedding Band to Necklace and Earrings - Before and After

I LOVE wedding band stories! This fun couple came into David Douglas Diamonds while I was there one Saturday because his wedding band had cracked in one spot.

 old gold wedding band hand engraved with love always

You can see the hand engraving well in this picture. Whenever I see engraving in a ring, I like to preserve it.

Instead of possibly having to repairing the crack over and over again, this couple decided it was time for a new band. He picked out a thick and wide star dust band (also known as my diamond smash ring) to replace his first wedding ring.

men's star dust wedding band sterling silver

So what do you do with the original wedding band? 

Make some jewelry for your other half!

Here's a time lapse video of me dismantling the ring and forging two new pieces from it.

wedding ring redesign in progress

In the above picture, you can see how rough an in progress work can look. It's amazing what a fresh polish can do!

redesign wedding band turned into necklace and earrings

 If you have been wanting to give new life to an old piece of jewelry, let's start the conversation today!


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