Ancient Coin Jewelry

I've had the absolute pleasure of setting a variety of ancient coins into custom pieces of jewelry for people.

Atocha Coin Jewelry

Some of these people are hunters going out with metal detectors and unearthing these treasures for the first time since they were used as currency, others are ship wreck fanatics tracking down sunken treasures from hundreds of years ago, and some are from avid collectors of all things beautiful that wish for these coins to be seen and worn, rather than stuffed in a drawer somewhere. 

medieval coin jewelry

There is no denying the wonder and story these ancient coins from civilizations long gone elicit. From mysterious ruins with half told stories, to ones of Greece and Rome that we know well, I love to imagine the items these coins purchased in their day. How much work went into earning this coin, was it ever given as a gift, what shops did it go through, what influential people of history might have crossed paths with it?!

Athenian owl coin

But the story doesn't end there! It has entered MY hands! It has entered MY creative domain and I have the honor and privilege of working with it!

Victory with shield and spear

I have made far more pieces with younger, more common coins, but I felt that these relics deserved to be set apart for you to see in this mini gallery I curated for you.

roman coin jewelry

If you have a treasure you'd like set into a wearable piece of art, call, e-mail, or text me and we can set things into motion!

DISCLAIMER: I was up front before I started any work with my customers about how setting it in a piece of jewelry would change the value of the coin and that in some numismatists' eyes this was a "tragedy." Not a single customer was slowed in their decision to make their treasure into a usable object again, rather than have it sit on a shelf or in a drawer where they may rarely glance at it. These items are treasured by their owners and the experience of making them is treasured by me.
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