2020 Pantone Color of the Year Jewelry and What it Means

This year's Pantone color of the year is CLASSIC BLUE! And to get you off celebrating this wonderfully exciting new decade, I've got a line up of my favorite Classic Blue Jewelry for you that you won't find anywhere else!

But don't let your search end there, if you love blue, checkout my full selection of BLUE JEWELRY!

Blue is the color of tranquility, trust, and loyalty, and Classic Blue focuses on deep thinking, communication, and mindfulness. My hope for you in this coming year is that you will discover a new depth of peacefulness and that you will experience a new level of mindfulness. As this wild and crazy world of ours gets more and more connected, there seems to be an alarming amount of distractions. Sometimes we just need to remember what's important. My husband, Malachi, often tells me "what's important is rarely urgent, and what's urgent is rarely important." As my mind repeats this, I see this truth as ridiculous things pop up in my life screaming "URGENT! NOW!!" and I see that truly important things in my life don't try to hijack my moment and peace.

Married people wear rings as a symbol of their vows and a reminder of their commitment. Many students wear class rings to celebrate and commemorate their alma mater.  Wearing a piece of this deep and thought-provoking Classic Blue is a reminder to your commitment and excitement for what 2020 holds for you and the promises you make to future you.

May your 2020 far exceed the reach of your expectations in a way that truly blesses you!

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